Vehicular Fluid Absorbent Pad

U.S. Patent : # 6,439,492 Inventor: David Leiggi

As attorney for the inventor of the innovative Vehicular Fluid Absorbent Pad we are currently seeking manufacturing companies to license, purchase patent rights or enter into a royalty agreement for this timely invention.

The present invention discloses an absorption means of liquid spills and fluids that may leak or fall from underneath the chassis of a motor vehicle. The present invention discloses a main enclosure being a cylindrical-shaped structure having a thin, rectangular aperture therein through which an absorbing element passes. On each end of the main enclosure are retaining cap ends which have retaining grooves therein which provide coupling means for the present invention. A counterweight element is provided in the base of the main enclosure for providing anchorage and stability for the invention. Rubber feet having threaded members are provided which pass through threaded apertures of the counterweight and provide means for connecting the end caps, counterweights and rubber feet together. The absorbing member is a rectangular-shaped structure comprising a porous material layer, an absorbing material layer and an impermeable material layer. A barrel element in provided with a spring-loaded ratchet mechanism which provides means for retracting and extending the take-up barrel. A stop having a ring-shaped handle thereon is provided on the distal end of the absorbing element which is used to prevent the absorbing element from being inadvertently retracted into the interior of the main enclosure.

Objects of the present invention:

  • to provide a vehicular fluids containment device that may protect driving stalls, drive ways and parking stalls from damage due to vehicular fluid leaks

  • to prevent undesired water contamination due to vehicular fluid leakage into the water and sewer systems via the surrounding ground environment

  • to provide a vehicular fluids containment device that is compacted so that it may be stored in a vehicles trunk or any convenient location

  • to provide a device that is simple and easy to use

Now for the first time this unique product is available for millions of potential users. The low manufacturing cost is of major importance. | invention home page | patent drawings | patent summary |contact info